Naknek River Alaska

   You are observing live footage of the Naknek River in King Salmon, Alaska. In the spring, the Naknek River is one of first without ice puts in the region pulling in a huge number of relocating swans, geese, and ducks. Amid April and May, beluga whales swim up the Naknek River pursuing schools of noticed. 

   Given its area, it's nothing unexpected that six salmon processors work in Naknek, a town of a couple of hundred inhabitants whose populace swells with occasional fish preparing laborers every mid year. 

   Open by street from close-by King Salmon, Naknek sits on the north bank of the Naknek River. The town wakes up amid the red salmon keep running from mid-June to the end of July. Very nearly 70 percent of the world's sockeye salmon is gotten in Bristol Bay and Naknek is in the heart of it with 20 million fish going through. A huge number of individuals surge the range amid the angling season, sending a great many pounds of salmon not far off to King Salmon, where planes whisk away the new fish to eateries and markets the nation over. 

   The plenitude of salmon pulled in Yup'ik Eskimos and Athabascan Indians to the area over 6,000 years prior and Russians merchants by 1821. The primary salmon cannery opened on the Naknek River in 1890 and by 1900, there were 12 canneries in Bristol Bay.